Customized data science solutions for reproducible pharmacometric analysis.
At qPharmetra, we have authentic commitments to reproducibility and transparency. All our client work is strictly version-controlled and executed in reproducible environments. As partners in the open software movement, we use the best of what is publically available and give back by openly sharing our software innovations. Check these out on github, or call us for a personal tour!

- qpToolkit – An R package for exploring and reporting pharmacometric analyses. The toolkit showcases our emphasis on programmatic information processing, for source-to-finish traceability.
- PMDatR – An R package for building pharmacometric data sets. PMDatR distills decades of expert knowledge regarding the intricate needs of pharmacometric analysis datasets.
- qpNCA – An R package for executing and reporting noncompartmental pharmacometric analyses. qPharmetra knows NCA, and provides industry leadership in the rigorous validation of underlying methodology. qpNCA is our in-house work horse that also delivers our suite of hand-crafted validation tests.
- Argo – A command line application for platform-independent reproducibility of R working environments. Argo uses “Docker” images to make sure our analysis code works as intended, regardless of age or operating system. In addition to Windows and Linux … now available for Mac OS! Ask for a demo.
- yamlet – An R package for curation of metadata. At qPharmetra, we realize that consistent documentation of data is vital to its proper interpretation. That explains our relentless commitment to integrating metadata curation into the analysis workflow. The yamlet package delivers a simple yet effective method to do just that, using the popular YAML format conventions. Check us out on CRAN.
Shiny Application Hosting and Services
Shiny applications allow users to interact with an analysis system through a web page. They provide a great way to share the results of analyses and allow real-time exploration of different scenarios. qPharmetra provides development services to ensure that your application is developed by experts who understand the science behind the models and how your scientists will interact with them. Our Shiny hosting service will make your application securely available on the web.