An R package for building pharmacometric data sets.  PMDatR distills decades of expert knowledge regarding the intricate needs of pharmacometric analysis datasets.  

PMDatR builds on top of popular R packages such as dplyr[1] and tidyr[2], so much of the syntax is well known and documented.  The key features that facilitate data work flows include: 

  • functions for transforming, reformatting (such as automatically unstacking covariate columns in result domains like LB), and verifying inputs
  • common transformations such as filling forward
  • computation of ADDL dosing
  • unit aware columns and transformations;
  • automated code generation from a settings file. 

Some common transformations include:

  • automatic conversion of date/time formats
  • change from baseline
  • time after dose and similar calculations
  • filling of missing covariate values.

PMDatR can be used directly from R scripts as well as automated through a custom Graphical User Interface (GUI), enabling a flexible, customizable, repeatable, templatized workflow.

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An R package for exploring and reporting pharmacometric analyses.  The toolkit showcases our emphasis on programmatic information processing, for source-to-finish traceability.  It reflects decades of accumulated expertise in the efficient transformation of model inputs and outputs.  Especially relevant is our experience with PsN, a […]

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